No, ILP volunteers create and plan out their activities.
You’ll spend about a half day volunteering (up to 4 hours of direct interaction with the kids, plus preparation time, transportation, and clean up). You may need a little more time at the beginning of this semester while you’re getting used to the process, and a little less time at the end of the semester after you’ve developed good habits. You will plan lessons one week in advance to be reviewed by your Head Teacher.
In advanced English classes (which are held in certain locations) there are lessons already prepared and you’ll just need to follow the curriculum, but you’ll still take time to go over what needs to be taught and be prepared to fill the class time.
In the Romania Orphanage Program, you will not spend time outside of volunteering planning lessons like the teachers do. Instead, you will create goals for the children to help them progress and work on those skills as you play and spend time with them. For example, if the goal for one child was to learn to share, you might work on passing a toy truck back and forth that day as you play together on the floor. There is much less preparation time needed here.