Of course! Our office representatives have all recently returned from a semester abroad and are happy to answer your questions. You are more than welcome to call our office (801-374-8854) and talk one-on-one with an ILP rep. You can also leave your number on this form and we’ll text you back.

Another resource is the ILP Takeover Instagram Account. That account is run by volunteers in-country to give you a peak at what it’s like from their point of view — taking you through a house tour, explaining meals, what vacations are like, and more, with tons of pictures and videos. Groups typically have a day where they answer all sorts of questions if you have any to ask.

Then, once you have finished your application and have been accepted, you are invited to join your country’s Facebook group which is full of ILP alumni for your country and future volunteers (like you). Loads of volunteers use the ILP Facebook groups to ask specific questions about their country or their school like “any tips on things to pack?” or “what coats and boots do you recommend for a winter in Eastern Europe?” or questions about what teaching is like or where to get teaching ideas.

If parents have questions, they’re more than welcome to check out the same resources, this blog post, and/or email the office to set up a call with one of the Directors — just email office@ilp.org.