We know you want to do some traveling, but you’re also going abroad to make a difference. We’re looking for volunteers who have:
- A desire to serve children. The kids you teach will learn to speak because they want to communicate with you. We have found that when volunteers put teaching first, their experience with travel, the country’s culture, friendships, and more really open up.
- High moral integrity. We believe that the best teachers are the best people, regardless of what they are teaching. Parents and schools entrust you with their children’s education and we want to exceed their expectations by providing volunteers who are honest, hardworking, and trustworthy.
- Good social skills. You’re not volunteering alone — you’ll teach with an ILP group of volunteers. You will be living, teaching, hanging out, and traveling together all semester long, and it’s important that everyone works well with others (in and out of the classroom).
- Confident and comfortable: Even if teaching is totally new for you, ILP volunteers are expected to complete several activities in front of a small class of kids — like drama activities, art lessons, and others. These ILP lessons are more similar to leading a well-structured birthday party than teaching a formal class, but we are looking for volunteers who feel like they can accomplish this after some training and practice.
- Willingness to follow the rules and Code of Conduct of ILP. ILP has a Code of Conduct in place for a reason; not only are you representing the program and your home country while you are abroad, these guidelines are there to help keep you safe. This is a high-standards program — ILP volunteers are expected to:
- Abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs
- Abstain from romantic relationships with teammates or locals
- Avoid vulgar or profane language
- Obey the law
- Maintain a neat appearance
- Follow all rules and help other teachers do the same