ILP has native, on-site coordinators that help volunteers enjoy their country safely (called Local Coordinators). Local Coordinators act as a liaison from the Head Teacher and ILP group to the local staff of the school. They are there to look out for the general needs of the ILP volunteers and help as you adjust to living in a new country. They speak the local language (which is very handy) and can help with some language barrier issues.

Your relationship with your Local Coordinator depends on a few factors (some like to be very involved and get to know the group, while others are there to help via text, phone call, or visit when necessary). They’re often quite protective of their group of volunteers and work closely with your Head Teacher to help with what they can.

Local Coordinators usually keep an eye out for the ILP volunteers and are here to help, but aren’t there to take on the role of a parent (they aren’t there to make sure you’re getting along with others or that you are taking your vitamins!). ILP is structured as an independent program, with some support from your Head Teacher, other group members, and a Local Coordinator.