Important note — ILP’s China program has been closed.
We have made the difficult decision to, for the time being, close our long-standing program in China. At the start of the 2020 pandemic, countries around the world began closing their international borders in an effort to contain the Covid-19 virus. China followed suit — there have been strict requirements under which travelers are allowed to enter and visa policies have been changing. These factors and others have resulted in an ILP program not being possible at this time. We are staying in touch with our local contacts in China who are eager for ILP volunteers to return, but are not accepting applications to volunteer in China for now. Our program in China has been a favorite amongst ILP volunteers for the past 20 years and we share your disappointment. We will continue to watch for updates that may allow us to resume our program here and will make any announcements on Instagram.
In the meantime, we have several other locations open — you might be especially interested in our other Asia locations: Thailand and India.