Pre-Departure training briefly covers all of the teaching skills before you leave for your semester, but the real learning happens when you start working with the kids.

There’s quite a bit of information that we have to go over in training and it can be a bit overwhelming. We’ll provide a binder to help prompt you to take notes on the most important tidbits, but it is still common to forget things. Remember, we expect that you won’t be a perfect teacher the first week. (Actually, the first couple of weeks is more about getting used to your new students and how to manage a classroom than anything else).

Your Head Teacher will have workshops with your ILP group to give you tips and remind you about things you learned in training. In the Romania program, your Head Teacher will hold group meetings to discuss how things are going and see where they can help while in teaching locations, your Head Teacher meetings will also cover learning teaching skills. Your Head Teacher has taught at least once with ILP so they are there to help you lesson plan, work with your class (and the troublemakers) and help you give the kids the best English education they can get.