ILP has two main volunteer programs: Exchange and Humanitarian (plus a Hybrid Program that combines elements from both). You can compare the programs and their fees here but in either program, your program fee covers the same things.

In our Exchange Programs, the service that you give is subsidized by the host school and your student’s family. These students come from a wide variety of backgrounds (typically middle to upper class) and are able to contribute to help fund the education you’re providing. This helps keep your costs low.

In our Humanitarian Programs, the students and children you serve generally come from extremely limited means. Many are in situations where getting their basic needs such as food and housing is a daily concern. Some of the children live in an orphanage. The volunteer work you provide them is a gift – free of charge – as their families and caretakers could not otherwise afford an education like this. This means that your program fee will be higher than the Exchange programs.

Our Hybrid Programs are just that — a combination of the Humanitarian and Exchange programs. In these programs, you’ll be teaching children from both backgrounds: those who come from more affluent backgrounds (and are able to help subsidize the program cost) and those who come from limited means. It’s a unique way to keep the overall cost of the program down while helping as many children as possible.

Discover how unique each of our Humanitarian and Hybrid Programs are (and choose which one is right for you) here.